Barriers for the first time
Na CAVALIADA Summer pierwszy raz rozegrany został konkurs barier o nagrodę Raitech. Po zwycięstwo sięgnął Adam Nicpoń pokonując wysokość 190 cm!
11 couples took part in the barrier competition for the Raitech award. 8 pairs qualified for the second round, with two less pairs moving on to each subsequent round. The height of 190 cm was attempted by 3 couples - Julia Błaszczak and Carla Winkelmann, unfortunately, they did not manage to overcome this height flawlessly.

Undisputedly the best was Adam Nicpoń on COUNTER.
Full results are available here
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The main sponsor of CAVALIADA Summer is PKO Bank Polski, strategic partners: PKN ORLEN and the LOTTO brand. The host city is Świnoujście, and the partner is the Polish Equestrian Association.